Meet Our People

Stefan Dopking White Bg

Stefan Dopking


Stefan is a registered liquidator and has over 30 years’ experience in corporate recovery and insolvency including valuable insights as a Senior Executive at the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (“ASIC”), where he was responsible for the organisation’s national insolvency and audit teams.

With a focus on corporate receiverships, business reviews and financial health assessments for directors and lenders, Stefan is known for mediating outcomes in difficult appointments. Through his experience, Stefan has developed a specialisation in the mining and mining services, property and manufacturing sectors.

Stefan has regularly presented around Australia and internationally on insolvency processes and procedures, and has worked closely with Australia’s peak insolvency industry body, the Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association (“ARITA”), in developing improved standards.

Stefan gained exposure to many large corporate failures during the Global Financial Crisis through his role as leader at ASIC for teams undertaking corporate solvency assessments.

Additionally, he has experience in difficult recoveries having worked on litigious court appointed receiverships and has given evidence in court on reconstructed financial information.

Significant Engagements
  • Administration of a multi-locational listed mining group;
  • The restructuring of a metal fabrication business and its subsequent return to owners;
  • Orderly closure of a multi-location building components manufacturer;
  • Securing control and realisation of mining services businesses and assets;
  • Working closely with factoring financiers in securing recovery on large building contracts;
  • Investigations into the circumstances surrounding the collapse of a major financial planning business;
  • Liquidation of Queensland Nickel; and
  • Reorganisation of managed letting businesses and their successful sale.
Key Attributes
  • Asset Tracing & Recovery
  • Financial Due Diligence
  • Monitoring
  • Receivership
  • Restructuring / Turnaround Services
Qualifications And Memberships
  • Bachelor of Commerce – University of Queensland
  • Registered liquidator
  • Member, Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand
  • Member, Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association



Insights by Stefan Dopking
Video 5 – Debtor and Possession model for SME restructuring.
Tue Nov 17News and Opinions

Video 5 – Debtor and Possession model for SME restructuring.

BRI Ferrier Brisbane Principal Stefan Dopking continues our weekly series of Insolvency Reforms for Small Business videos. This week, Stefan discusses the Debtor and Possession model for SME restructuring and provides a practical example of what we have seen in the marketplace. These videos aim to provide small businesses with a practical insight into what these changes mean, giving them the opportunity to again survive post 31 December. [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://briferrier.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/debtor-in-possession-restructuring-191120.mp4"][/video]