bri ferrier and macpherson kelley webinar – charities and not for profits

14 July 2020 by John Keenan

BRI Ferrier and Macpherson Kelley invite you to view their webinar on current directors’ duties & restructuring options focusing on the not for profit and charity space.

The impacts of COVID-19 have been significant for not for profits & charities. Join John Keenan and Gavin Robertson as they examine the unique challenges in the current environment including changing duties for directors and temporary ‘safe harbour’ provisions. This webinar will explore these issues and provide necessary strategies for surviving, recovering and restructuring in the current environment.

Our presenters discuss the following:

  • Corporations Act and ACNC providing a temporary ‘safe harbour’ for directors
  • Other directors duties not affected
  • Strategies to survive and recover
  • Survival models
  • Restructuring options

macpherson kelley and BRI Ferrier webinar - charities and not for profits from Macpherson Kelley on Vimeo.
