Often the term liquidation is associated with failure, however, that is not necessarily the case. In certain circumstances, liquidation can be a prudent and strategic move, particularly if the company is solvent, at the end of its useful life and its shareholders wish...
Welcome to the brave new world of web3, NFT’s and the metaverse. In discussions on these topics we often hear the phrase “…we are still early…” and that is certainly true. Fortunes will be made and lost but there is no doubt that developments currently underway will...
The Federal government has released draft legislation to amend Australia’s insolvency framework for the purposes of establishing a streamlined restructuring process for small businesses. This new legislation is slated to commence on 1 January 2021. The reforms are...
by BRI FERRIER PRINCIPAL JOHN KEENAN and MACPHERSON KELLY PRINCIPAL LAWYER GAVIN ROBERTSON COVID-19 and the restrictions imposed by the Commonwealth and state governments to moderate its spread has had a severe impact on many charities and not for profits throughout...
In response to the COVID-19 crisis a number of information sheets have been issued dealing with financial distress and limiting the ability of creditors to pursue debtors in these troubled times. It is important that businesses act quickly to take advantage of the...
In April 2018 the ABC’s Four Corners program reported on the apparent misuse of garnishee notices by the Australian Taxation Office (“ATO”) on small business. We have a particular interest in this area as the majority of our clients are small to medium businesses....