Insolvency News
Here’s where you can get the latest, most useful information available on business recovery, insolvency and forensic accounting. Along with the latest media stories, our ‘Technical insights’ offer updates and intelligence on technical insolvency matters.
Our ‘Industry insights’ comprise opinion pieces on issues affecting specific industry sectors. ‘Inside Edge’ is a specialist bulletin for accountants. The ‘Resources’ section provides essential guides and forms for businesses facing financial challenges and for the professionals who advise such businesses.
Forensic Accounting
Recent judgements again, turn the spotlight on the Court’s expectations of independent expert witnesses
Forensic Accounting
What happens if I’m not sure about the merits of my litigation?
Industry Insights
Commercial disputes and restructuring: strategies for mitigating and resolving disputes
Forensic Accounting
What is an expert witness?
Forensic Accounting
Directors owe a duty to exercise reasonable care and diligence to prevent the harm breaches of the law may involve
Forensic Accounting
How much does a forensic accounting report cost?
Forensic Accounting
What is forensic accounting?
Technical Insights
So, you have done a deal with the ATO to pay your company’s debt by instalments and think it is now solvent. Think again!
Forensic Accounting
Episode 1: Called to Account – “Insolvency through the lens of an unfolding crisis”.
News and Opinions
Small Business Restructuring
News and Opinions
Video 5 – Debtor and Possession model for SME restructuring.
News and Opinions
Video 4 – Anti-phoenixing laws & interactions with new SME restructuring legislation.
News and Opinions
Video 2: Insolvency Reforms for Small Business – SME restructuring legislation in detail
News and Opinions
Video 1 – Insolvency Reforms for Small Business
Industry Insights
BRI Ferrier and macpherson kelley webinar – insolvency law reforms – do you qualify?
Forensic Accounting
The pen is mightier than the sword – if you get it right
Forensic Accounting
How long is a piece of economic loss?
Forensic Accounting
Using scenario analysis to manage uncertainty in economic loss calculations
Inside Edge
Directors’ duties and restructuring options for charities and not for profits in the COVID-19 era
Forensic Accounting
The impact of COVID-19 on developing “but for” scenarios of economic loss